Dinny Hall

  • Client
    Dinny Hall, Jeweller
  • Location
    Marylebone Lane, London
  • Photography
    © Basis Lighting
  • Sector

We have created retail lighting for British jewellery designer Dinny Hall since 2012, when we were asked to light her Islington store. Our projects have since grown in scale; we created lighting schemes for her Notting Hill store in 2014 and Covent Garden in 2017. Our most recent project was at Marylebone Lane.

To design a lighting scheme for her Marylebone store, we collaborated with Dinny Hall herself and interior designer Tessa Wilson. One of the interior features they selected for the fit-out was a collection of antique display units. We were asked to light these display cases from above using downlights.

Our challenge was to create dynamic retail lighting that would bring out the colour and surface quality of each piece of jewellery across the store. To enhance gold jewellery, a warm CoB (chip on board) of 2700˚K was required, whereas a cooler CoB of 4000˚K would work better for silver or clear stone. To meet the requirements for both colour temperatures, we supplied twin 18W Nova fittings with one warm and one cool LED within the recessed downlight. The recessed downlights had a pivoted support called a gimbal to allow the lights to have a full 360˚ adjustment and therefore could be directed at any product.

Through consultation with the client we suggested accent lighting within the store to highlight products and create a sense of drama. To give a variety of highs and lows, we combined the Nova fittings with medium 18W Phos downlights at 25˚ beam angles. All the lights had a 97 CRI rating, to bring out the colour and make sure the product would stand out as much as possible.

For the windows where light levels were higher, a brighter 25W CoB was required for the display lighting, to make the products stand out in daylight. We selected our 15˚ Kuper track spotlights, again combining warm and neutral temperatures of 2700 and 4000K. The clients sourced their own brass hexagonal wall lights, which complimented the rest of the lighting scheme.

Lights used